6 Tips for Time Management

by Ali Abdaal's Tips
Life Hack
Published: 3 years ago
|Updated: 3 years ago

Time management is a must if you want to achieve the highest in your field of work, be you a student or professional. Every so often we get drowned with heavy workloads due to our dithering and procrastination that most of our tasks remain undone. So, following tips will definitely help you to get started with your time management!



1) Shrug off the idea that you don't have time.

Daily 1x

2) Set a daily highlight of what should be absolutely done today.

Daily 1x

3) Block your calendar for the daily highlight.

Daily 1x

4) Protect your time by wisely saying 'yes' or 'no' to any task.

Daily 1x

5) Leverage short deadlines.

Daily 1x

6) Automate your schedule

Daily 1x

Ali Abdaal's Tips


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