12 Good Morning Routine Habits of the World’s Most Successful People

by Develop Good Habits
Daily Life
Published: 3 years ago
|Updated: 3 years ago

Jim Rohn once famously said, “Success leaves clues”. It means that if you want to achieve great things in life, look at the habits and routines of the world's most successful people. Then model their behavior. Basically, most successful people start their morning with a variety of positive habits that set them up for the rest of the day. So, today we’ll share the 12 best morning habits that you can use to increase your focus, motivation, and energy throughout the day. Enroll and practice them for your own success!



Surround yourself with natural light. Get exposed to morning sunlight because it helps your brain produce serotonin and endorphins.

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Get hydrated. Drink about 32 ounces of water in the first hour after waking up.

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Get at least 5 to 10 minutes of movement in the morning to improve your attention, visual learning, and decision-making skills. This light movement may include stretching, yoga, calisthenics, walking, or any workout app.

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Eat a high-protein breakfast to boost your energy.

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Practice breathing or meditation for 5 to 10 minutes to calm your mind.

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Express gratitude to increase happiness for what and who you currently have in your life through journaling.

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Journal your thoughts to clarify your problems and to get unique solutions to your issues.

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Practice self-education with intention. Identify one skill you want to build and spend 5 to 10 minutes learning about that subject.

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Create simple goals for all areas of your life.

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Set goals to accomplish within 90 days.


Review them daily.

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Look at your to-do list every morning and ask yourself how the tasks align with your goals.

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Do a quick review of your schedule.

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Identify your 3 MITs (Most Important Tasks) and focus on completing them before doing anything else.

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Start your “ONE THING” (Tasks related to your long-term goal).

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Develop Good Habits


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