4 things to do on Laylatul Qadr

by iLovUAllahâ„¢
Published: 3 years ago
|Updated: 3 years ago

Laylatul Qadr is considered to be the holiest night in the Islamic calendar. This was the night when the first verses of the Holy Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), by Angel Jibrail (A). This night is so valuable that the Quran devotes a special surah to it -'Surah Al-Qadr'. This is a night of great remembrance and worship to Allah (SWT) and ranks higher than that of 1000 months. So we should exert ourselves in devotion on that night to a greater extent than at any other time. There are 4 things we should do on this holy night. Those are:



Praying extra on this night. We should elongate our Sajdah,Ruku' and we should recite much Quran. Most importantly, we should pray with Khushoo.


Doing dhikr and dua. Between the Salah,we should do Dhikr( Tasbeeh,Takbir,Tahmeed, Istighfar) and we should say a special dua that our prophet (pbuh) taught us. "Allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul 'afwa fa'fu anni"


Giving charity. We should give charity on that night because that charity will give us the reward of a 1000 months of continuous charity.


Giving charity. We should give charity on that night because that charity will give us the reward of a 1000 months of continuous charity.




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