5 Powerful Steps To Connect With The Quran

by majed mahmoud
Published: 3 years ago
|Updated: 3 years ago

The Qur’an is one of the greatest blessings from Allah Ta’la to humankind. Allah Ta’la has commanded us to read, to ponder, to analyse, to understand the verses of the Qur’an. However, as majority of the readers are non-native to the Arabic language, we somehow just memorized the accentuation without really comprehending the meaning. That’s the reason we find it difficult to understand the profundity of the Qur’an. On that account, by following the tips hereunder you can connect with this divine Book-



Listen and read the Qur'an.

Daily 1x

Contemplate and reflect on the words of the Qur’an while reading.

Daily 1x

Use the Qur’an as the book of law and justice i.e. if you have an issue with inheritance, go back to the Qur’an. If you have any disagreement, go back to the Qur’an.

Daily 1x

Act upon commands of Allah Ta’la mentioned in the Qur’an, i.e. not leaving salah, not to backbite, etc.

Daily 1x

Use Qur’anic du’a as a medication for your body and soul e.g. Suratul Fatiha can be recited to cure pain.

Daily 1x

majed mahmoud


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