Top 10 Tips about How to Study in Ramadan

by Dr Shirin Syed
Published: 3 years ago
|Updated: 3 years ago

Ramadan is considered to be the best month for making good habits as well as for increasing productivity in all spheres of life. But this month appears as a great challenge for the Muslim students who had to study hard. Most of the students complain that they suffer from tiredness, low energy, reduced focus and concentration ability, reduced study desire, extra pressure, sleep deprivation, and many more after the day-long fasting. As a result, they cannot study as expected. So, today we are going to share with you the Top 10 Tips about How to Study in Ramadan. The tips will help you to perform your worship and to continue your effective study at the same time during Ramadan.



Adjust your daily schedule (study, work, meal, etc.) depending on your condition. Try it for 2/3 days to ensure whether it’s working properly or not.


Communicate with your teachers. Tell them that you are fasting. If you have any exams during Ramadan, request the teachers to shift them after Ramadan if possible.


Figure out what your intentions are for studying for your exams. Take a minute out every time you sit at your desk to start studying and reflect on your intentions and then have full certainty that God will accept your pure intentions as an act of worship and put blessings on your time.

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Along with studying, say your five daily prayers. Speak to almighty Allah. Tell Him that you are really struggling and ask Him for help and guidance.

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Take breaks to keep you fresh and energized. If you can not concentrate, take a nap for 20 minutes.

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Eat well at suhoor to keep you boosted and hydrated throughout the whole day.

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Do not overeat at iftar time.

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Study with companies. It means, do group-study to be more motivated during Ramadan. If it is not possible to arrange a group study physically, organize an online group studying session with the concerned people.

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Try to be more disciplined while studying during Ramadan.

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Do not forget to make Dua’a. There are some significant Dua’a for studying. See the attachment to get those Dua’a.

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Dr Shirin Syed


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