4 Ayurvedic Drinks To Boost Immunity

by India Today
Published: 3 years ago
|Updated: 3 years ago

In this current pandemic, having some ayurvedic concoction drinks can boost your immune system naturally. These drinks are very easy to prepare by yourself at home. You can sip it throughout the day whenever you like for refreshment. ** Remember these are not any cure or treatment for covid or any kind of disease, these are drinks suggested by the Ministry of Ayush to look after yourself and immune your body. As each individual person’s health condition can vary for different reasons, we suggest you consult with a doctor before following these tips.**



1. Put a slice of pomegranate outer peel, add two glasses of water on a pot and boil them together to make a decoction. Boil it till the mixture becomes one-fourth of a glass. Strain it, add 1 teaspoon full of turmeric and drink it whenever you wish.


2. Add one piece of peeled fresh ginger into boiled water and let it boil for some time, then add some fresh turmeric powder, 4-5 fresh cardamom and boil it further before straining it and drink it after you take a meal.


3. Put a fresh peeled piece of ginger and/ or a teaspoon full of coriander (or basil), some cumin seeds into water and boil it before straining the mixture and drink it whenever you feel it’s needed.


4. If you don’t have indigestion issues then you can have this concoction. Mix half teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of milk and drink it every day.


India Today


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