How to Improve English Listening Skills & Understand Native Speakers

by English With Lucky's Tips
Published: 3 years ago
|Updated: 3 years ago

Are you struggling to understand any conversation in English, especially if the speaker is a native? Poor listening skills may hamper your ability to communicate effectively which will decrease your productivity. So, here are 12 effective tips on how to improve English listening skills and understand the native speakers. Enroll the tips to upgrade your communication skills more effectively and easily.



Listen to as many accents as possible.

Daily 5x

Practice English more and more to develop your listening skill.

Daily 8x

Watch a TV program or a movie without subtitles. You may watch each program twice for further understanding.

Daily 1x

Start listening to audio-books.

Daily 1x

Go to YouTube, find something that you love, and listen to them carefully.

Daily 1x

Multitask while listening. Concentrate on your work and listen to something in English at the same time.

Daily 1x

Do not translate. Try to understand the context and general meaning.

Daily 1x

Focus on fluency over accuracy.

Daily 1x

Instead of listening word to word, listen to phrases as a whole.

Daily 5x

Learn speech patterns. Research on how the natives speak.

Daily 1x

Learn the weak form and strong form of words.

Daily 1x

Be familiar with the contraction of words.

Daily 1x

English With Lucky's Tips


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