7 Ways To Get Rid Of Mice Permanently And Naturally

by Bestie
Daily Life
Published: 3 years ago
|Updated: 3 years ago

A lot of people resort to traditional mouse-traps to get rid of mice, but it is truly inhumane. So, you might be looking for natural ways to deter mice. Your first and best way to prevent mice naturally from staying in your home is to keep your home clean as much as possible. Here, we’ll show you 7 All-Natural ways to deter mice. If nothing works, please call a professional for better results.



Keep some ammonia in bowls and stick them where you think mice might be getting into. Keep it away from children and pets.

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Place a few drops of peppermint oil inside some cotton swabs and keep them anywhere mice might be attracted to.

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Place some cloves in a pantyhose or in a coffee filter and leave sachets of them around your home in trouble areas.

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Just take a single dryer sheet and stuff in any or all cracks that might be an opening for a mouse.

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Chop up the garlic and mix it with water to form a spray. Then, spray the solution or simply leave entire cloves of garlic in all the possible trouble areas.

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Take some bulk cayenne pepper powder and sprinkle it over every surface you think they might thread.

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Take any standard bottle of Tabasco sauce, mix it with hot water, and some dish detergent. Add it to a spray bottle. Spray the solution around all the trouble areas.

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