How to Be Incredibly Consistent

by Captain Sinbad's Tips
Life Hack
Published: 3 years ago
|Updated: 3 years ago

On and off, I wonder if I really need to clean my desk and the sudden motivation eventually drives me to clean only to find the same untidy desk all over again. Every semester you set your resolutions to start studying at least a week before but somehow you manage to clear out from that till the night prior to the exam. This happens because of our lack of consistency. To be the highest achiever in any field, you will find that consistency is the key. If you are finding it difficult to develop the habit of consistency, the following tips will help with that.



Keep doing the thing that has got you so far e.g. simple daily discipline, little productive actions, repeated consistency over time will add up to the difference between failure and success.

Daily 1x

Decide on your goals or key results area that you think would have the biggest impact in your life right now and focus on them. Pick out a maximum of three goals.


Pick the easiest and most worthwhile habit to accompany your key result area. If you want to be a writer, develop the habit of writing at least one page a day.

Daily 1x

After deciding on your habit, write it down with great intent.


Use a habit tracker. The dopamine rush you get from checking off your daily tasks will help you to be persistent with your habit.

Daily 1x

Shape your environment conducive to your habit as much as possible.

Daily 1x

Go for a public display of accountability i.e. tell someone about your tasks who can call you out if you miss them.


Visualize the momentum of your leap with consistency, for instance, think about the outcomes when you achieve that consistency on a full blow.


Captain Sinbad's Tips


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