7 Ramadan Habits Of The Prophet ﷺ

by majed mahmoud
Published: 3 years ago
|Updated: 3 years ago

Ramadan is the month of forgiveness, blessings, mercy and compassion.  This is the month when the greatest human on the earth Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself put more effort than the usual only for the pleasure of Allah Ta’la. The tips hereunder are from some of habits of RasulAllah (peace be upon him) which will help you to get the best of out of the holy month Ramadan.



Hasten in breaking your fast.

Daily 1x

Recite the specific and general du’as before, during and after iftaar.

Daily 1x

Increase the level of donation in the month of Ramadan.

Daily 1x

Recite the Qur’an as much as possible and reflect upon it.

Daily 1x

Do not miss a single night to offer Qiyamal Lail(the night prayer) in the month of Ramadan.

Daily 1x

Do not skip the Sehri as Allah Ta’la has blessed the meal for you to go on without food all day long.

Daily 1x

Guard your attitude and behavior while fasting i.e. do not curse, swear or get into a row even when being provoked.

Daily 1x

majed mahmoud


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