Everyone wants Jannah. It is our ultimate goal.There are thousands of ways to enter Jannah. It is like a huge highway with so many lanes and all of them are going to the same destination. We need to find ourselves at least in one of those lanes. Here are the 8 easy ways out of many to get to Jannah.
Spread the Salam. When you greet a muslim, first say 'Assalamu Alaikum'.
Don't backbite. Learn to say only the good things about people behind their backs.
Feed the food.If you have cooked and prepared more,then pack the remaining and give to the poor.
.Don't waste food, rather cook less.
Daily 1x
Learn to give, learn to donate to the people who need it.
Monthly 2x
Maintain your family ties. Fix your relationships, resolve your misunderstandings or problems with those relatives you have issues with. Forgive each other and continue.
.Pray at night when people are sleeping. Call out to Allah, seek forgiveness and guidance.