How to prepare for Ramadan?

by Digital Mimbar
Published: 3 years ago
|Updated: 3 years ago

Ramadan is a very special month for muslims. It is an amazing opportunity that Allah SWT gives us to spiritually recharge, and improve ourselves.It teaches us self-discipline,self-control and nurtures empathy towards the less privileged. Ramadan is a limited-time opportunity for any Muslim to earn a great reward from Allah Almighty. So, we should prepare accordingly to get the most of it. Here are 5 tips to prepare for Ramadan.



Make a plan.Prepare a checklist of goals & activities you want to achieve in Ramadan.


Manage your time. Avoid wasting time on things that are not beneficial. Make it a habit so that you can get the best out of Ramadan.

Daily 1x

Be consistent. Develop good habits and do good deeds,even if they are simple,small and easy to perform. Consistency will help you to continue performing those deeds in Ramadan.

Daily 1x

Stay in a good environment (good companionship).

Daily 1x

Push yourself. Never underestimate your potential. Make yourself ready to give your maximum efforts in Ramadan.


Digital Mimbar


Looking forward to your feedback

  • Rayed Aryan
    3 years ago

    thanks, jazakallah. keep sreading the message of islam
