15 Steps To A Healthy Morning Routine

by Virtunus Productivity
Published: 2 years ago
|Updated: 2 years ago

A healthy day initially depends on a healthy morning. Not everyone can be a morning person. So this tip is for those who struggle to get up when the alarm goes off. However, keeping up with a healthy morning routine can make your feel free, work efficiently, make you more productive and less stressed in life. So let's try to see 15 steps to a healthy morning routine which can help you to design your own morning plan.



1. Make sure that you wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day so that you get the exact same amount of quality sleep every day.


2. Get a boost start on a productive morning routine by shifting yourself towards a positive mindset the night before.


3. Estimate in advance how much time you actually need to accomplish everything you need to do.


4. Control your mind so that you don't hit the snooze button. If you think your body needs more time to have rest then adjust your schedule according to that.


5. Set your mind to get out of bed then, select one activity that you can bring full attention to. This work can be a prayer, affirmation, a physical stretch even brushing your teeth.


6. Stop using your mobile just after you wake up. Scrolling through the news feed of social media could detract you from the productivity you have in the morning.


7. Write down your positive thoughts. Because staying positive and bringing them out vocally or by writing them down can help to start the day better.


8. Sip a glass of water at the start of the day instead of tea or coffee. Water will help your body to digest the food properly and absorb the nutrients from it.


9. Drink some lemon water if you don't have an acidity-related problem. Taking a glass full of lemon water early in the morning will aid your digestive system and help rehydrate your body.


10. Make a time slot to do exercise or stretch after getting out of bed. If you don't have proper time for a whole workout at least do a few stretches to warm up your muscles.


11. Never delay your breakfast more than an hour after you wake up in the morning. Over delay to take breakfast can stretch out the fasting-like state and ruin your day ahead.


12. Select healthy breakfast options every day. Try to eat whole foods which are in their natural state and not processed, with protein and fiber to satisfy and give your body fuel for the day ahead.


13. Schedule proper time to do meditation. It will set you up for a more positive attitude and reduce any leftover stress from the previous day of yours.


14. Socialize with family. If possible, find a way to socialize with your children, husband/wife before stepping out of the home.


15. Assign yourself with some time just for reading. It could be a book or article that sparks your curiosity.


Virtunus Productivity


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