Day in the Life of Steve Jobs

by Virtunus' Daily Life
Daily Life
Published: 2 years ago
|Updated: 2 years ago

industrial designer, investor, and media proprietor. He was the chairman, chief executive officer (CEO), and co-founder of Apple Inc.; the chairman and majority shareholder of Pixar; a member of The Walt Disney Company's board of directors following its acquisition of Pixar; and the founder, chairman, and CEO of NeXT. Jobs is widely recognized as a pioneer of the personal computer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s. This huge success does not come to him automatically. Devotion, diligence, discipline, hard work, and so many factors like these were his keys to success. Above all, following a strict daily routine paved his way. Let's have a look at a day in the life of Steve Jobs. The information is collected from a wide range of sources like documented first-person interviews, TIME magazine, Apple Explained, All Things Digital, and Steve Jobs’ biographer, Walter Isaacson. If you want to spend a day like Steve Jobs, enroll in the following tips!



Wake up at 6 am.

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Start working from home at 6:30 am.

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Take breakfast with the family at 7:30 am.

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Arrive at Office at 9 am.

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Attend the meetings at 9:30 am.

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Have noon lunch with only one or two foods, like apples or carrots.

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Visit the Design Lab at 1:30 pm.

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Answer the Emails and Phone calls at 3 pm. and also attend meetings if there are any.

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Enjoy family dinner at 5:30 pm with fresh vegetables and herbs.

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Go to walk with his wife Laurene at 6:30 pm.

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Spend relaxation time at 10 pm by listening to Music, and doing Meditation or Spirituality practice.

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Virtunus' Daily Life


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