How to improve your communication skills?

by Improvement Pill
Published: 3 years ago
|Updated: 3 years ago

Communication skills are the most significant and fundamental characteristics for success in everyday life as well as career or business. We need to communicate in personal as well professional life to transfer information, build relations and express our thoughts, ideas or emotions. Better communication skills will help you in literally any and all endeavors you ever put your time and effort into. But many of us are shy, having a sprinkle of social anxiety, and this is more apparent when it comes to interacting with new people. It can be difficult especially for those that weren’t naturally gifted with great communication skills, but it’s possible to become a better communicator if you’re willing to put in the work. Below are seven quick tips to improve your communication skills.



Be efficient with your speaking. Try to remove all types of filler words like, "Uhm, Like, I Guess, Well, Uhhhhh, You Know." These words bring no value to the conversation and they literally mean nothing.


Use Pauses to emphasize. Take time to “draft” in your head what you want to say.


Conversational threading, means the ability to branch off into different topics. When given the opportunity to branch off into different topics, choose one that you are interested in talking about. Don't make the conversation one sided. You want to be sharing information about yourself as much as possible to build a connection.


Use statements instead of questions. Use story opinion statements which is basically a statement that tells a small story or shows your opinion on something and it gives the other person opportunities to talk about different topics. Cold read statements are useful too. It is an observation that you make about the other person.


Use humour in your conversation.


Storytelling. Tell a captivating and exciting story which will allow strangers to jump into your world.


Deep conversation, which is an essential tool to building long lasting, valuable, relationships.


Improvement Pill


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