How to Spend a Day Like Elon Musk

by Luxury Zone
Daily Life
Published: 3 years ago
|Updated: 3 years ago

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Benjamin Franklin Elon Musk is a famous multitasker. He starts a day with the mindset that if you wake up in the morning, and think the future is going to be better, it is a bright day. If you want to be successful like Elon Musk, you need to turn your routine into a habit.



Start your day with the mindset of time management.

Daily 1x

Wake up by 7 AM.

Daily 1x

Have a quick shower.

Daily 1x

Take 30 minutes to respond to urgent and relevant emails.

Daily 1x

Avoid distractions, filter the mails, and switch off the mobile phones when it’s necessary.

Daily 1x

Change your diary where it needs to be.

Daily 1x

Work 12-15 hours a day.

Daily 1x

Divide your plans into five-minute slots where specific objectives are designated.

Daily 1x

Work out in a gym (each session = an hour).

Weekly 2x

Spend time with family.

Daily 1x

Do not sit unnecessarily, be committed.

Daily 1x

Read a few pages of your favorite books.

Daily 1x

Go to bed at 1 AM and sleep for six hours.

Daily 1x

Luxury Zone


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