What to Know Before Going to Poland

by Virtunus Travel Guide
Published: 2 years ago
|Updated: 2 years ago

One of the finest and most friendly countries in central Europe is Poland. Though it may not be on the top list for visiting for most travelers, the beauty, culture, and soft behavior of people make Poland a popular destination. In this article, we will discuss what to know before going to Poland. So if you are interested in visiting the country just go through it for some essential advice.



1. Try to learn some Polish words before traveling. Poles really appreciate the effort though English is the second most common language spoken in Poland.


2. Keep złoty (pronounced zwoty) with you for local purchase and keep it in mind that Poland does not use Euro as the national currency.


3. Carry an empty water bottle with you and fill it up for drinking water from Tap. Tap water is safe to drink in Poland.


4. Choose walking tours instead of a motor car ride while traveling to cities of Poland. These tours will offer some special activities which will remain memorable for you.


5. Try not to mention you are in eastern Europe while in Poland. As geometrically Poland is in Central Europe and not Eastern Europe.


6. Get used to being kissed on hand if you are a female traveler and meeting any older gentlemen in Poland. It's an old culture of greeting any woman.


7. Ask questions wisely as Polish people rarely say things they don’t mean. If someone in Poland asks you “what’s up” really means they want to hear all about your day.


8. Get a mindset to be fed to your limit If you accept an invitation from a Pole person.


9. Don’t drink in public places. Opening a beer bottle in a park or any public space is counted as an offense.


10. Take your shoes off while visiting any Pole’s house unless they explicitly tell you that you can leave them on.


Virtunus Travel Guide


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