7 Ways To Boost Your Immune System

by Improvement Pill
Published: 3 years ago
|Updated: 3 years ago

Our immune system is our body’s first line of defense against illness. In the same way that a security system around our house would provide protection, our immune system uses a system of chemicals and proteins in our body to fight off viruses, harmful bacteria, infections and parasites. A stronger immune system means less chance of getting sick. There are ways to boost our immune system to maximize its effects. Our immune system is something that should be nurtured. There are everyday lifestyle habits we can focus on to help give our immune system what it needs to fight off an infection or illness.



Having cold showers daily.

Daily 1x

Reduce stress. Meditation is extremely effective to reduce our stress.

Daily 1x

Having sufficient Vitamin D

Daily 1x

High quality sleep

Daily 1x

Moderate exercise (not extreme)

Daily 1x

Improving air quality (purchase air purifier or plants)

Daily 1x

Being well nourished.

Daily 1x

Improvement Pill


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