8 golden tips to perform Ramadan well

by The All-Loving
Published: 3 years ago
|Updated: 3 years ago

The holiest month of the year is Ramadan. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) says, "When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of heaven are opened and the gates of hells are closed and the devils are chained." We muslims,are required to abstain from food and drink from dusk to dawn for 30 days of Ramadan. This fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam and is mandatory for all healthy and adult muslims. Ramadan is a very special month for us. It is an opportunity to re-evaluate our lives and the impact of our actions. It teaches us self-discipline,self-control and nurtures empathy towards the less privileged. We should devote ourselves in this month to doing as many good deeds as possible and seeking forgiveness to Allah. Here are the 8 golden tips to perform Ramadan well.



Recite the Quran as much as possible.

Daily 1x

Dress modestly. If there is room for improvement, go for it. Sisters can start practicing to put a scarf on their heads.

Daily 1x

Become conscious of our tongues. Don't swear, Don't lie, Don't make hurtful or vulgar comments.

Daily 1x

Start cutting down on your food a little bit. Break your fast with simple and healthy foods and follow the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad(pbuh).

Daily 1x

Reach out to others with good words. Speak good words to others ,give them hope and courage and make them reassured.

Daily 1x

Pray Taraweeh. Listen to beneficial lectures or series of Islam.

Daily 1x

Solve your relationship matters and problems with those you have issues with. Forgive them and don’t hold grudges against them.


The All-Loving


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