Tips on healthy Iftar

by Virtunus Healthy Eating Tips
Published: 2 years ago
|Updated: 2 years ago

Fasting during Ramadan carries a high risk of dehydration as food and drink are limited to before sunrise and after sunset. So it's essential to eat a healthy and nutritious iftar while breaking the fasting. Here we will discuss tips on healthy iftar below. So that you can remain healthy and happy during the month of Ramadan.



1. Don't overeat when you break your fast during the time of Iftar.

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2. Try not to eat foods that are fried in deep oil or over-spicy.

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3. Avoid food that contains more salt than you need or have excessive sugar.

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4. Drink as much water as possible when you break the fast during iftar.

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5. Add fruit juice or milk-based drinks to your iftar, just keep extra sugar away from that drinks.


6. Eat a variety of foods as the body needs good nourishment to compensate for the stress of fasting.

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7. Minimize consuming food rich in fat, particularly food made with added fat, margarine, or butter-like pastries, puffs, and cookies.


8. Avoid caffeine in the form of tea, coffee, and other caffeine-containing energy drinks. Take it after iftar if it's essential for you.

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9. Eat a small amount of food at once and repeat eating a couple of times if needed.

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Virtunus Healthy Eating Tips


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