Comment mettre des hashtags sur instagram, pour avoir plus de followers

by Gracie Gabriel
Published: 3 years ago
|Updated: 3 years ago

hashtags are keywords preceded by the # symbol allowing you to find the subjects that interest you the most or so make it easier for people to find you on instagram. They are important as they allow you to have more likes, more comments, therefore more engagement and above all more followers. Hashtags can also be used to look at what is happening in the market, who are your competitors, what are the best performing hashtags, the best performing niches and therefore to really have a global vision of what you are doing on instagram. Mayssa Kasbi, Lifestyle content creator and influencer marketing and social media strategist, gives us advice on how to properly use hashtags on Instagram. Sign up now and practice the following tips for using hashtags well and you will see that your account will take off.



Utilisez des hashtags pertinents et qui correspondent vraiment au contenu publié.


Vous pouvez utiliser entre 10 et 20 hashtags pertinents sur chaque poste.


Éloignez des hashtags qui ont au delà de 500.000 publication parce que le hashtag est saturé et vous risquez de vous retrouver noyé dans la masse.


Visez des hashtags plus petits, plus de niche et ayant un public engagé et pertinent.


Éviter de répéter le même bloc de hashtags partout sur toutes les photos.


Utilisez les hashtags de la même langue que vous parlez.


Gracie Gabriel


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