What to Know Before Going to Germany

by Virtunus Travel Guide
Published: 3 years ago
|Updated: 3 years ago

Germany is a technologically advanced country that also offers breathtaking beauty. Along with national history, natural beauty, art, and culture. It is easily one of the most sought-after countries in Europe. There are a few things that may help you to have a smoother traveling experience. So without further ado, let's take deep dive into what to know before going to Germany.



1. Learn about the transport zones. As each city has its own transportation system in Germany, try to know about which ticket you need to get around there before traveling.


2. Always keep cash with you. Because most stalls, stores, shops, bars, and restaurants have no card machine and credit cards are not as widely accepted as in other countries.


3. Explore as many regions as you can. If you have an international driving license, take a road trip to enjoy the marvelous sites.


4. Stay aware about no shopping Sunday. Most shops, supermarkets, and pharmacies will remain closed on Sundays.


5. Try to speak in German in local places while traveling. At least try to learn a few basic German words as a majority of Germans do not speak English or any other language.


6. Keep in mind that public toilets are not free in Germany. It will generally cost you 50cents Euro but can go all the way up to 1euro per person.


7. Always keep your voice down as much you can, in Germany, no one usually talks in a high tone and does not want to hear lauder conversation.


8. Avoid bike lanes while walking through sidewalks. There are two lanes, a colored lane, and a gray lane. The colored lane is for bikes and the gray is for pedestrians.


9. Look out for an Imbiss for cheap food. These are cheap snack bars that you found in almost any busy street, train station, and market.


10. Book trains in advance for travel. Book longer journeys at least a week in advance as tickets have limited availability.


Virtunus Travel Guide


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