How To Boost Your Immune System during COVID 19 with some Ayurvedic measures - 7 tips

by India Today
Published: 3 years ago
|Updated: 3 years ago

Boosting our immune system in this pandemic is an essential step to remain healthy. It will be good to take preventive measures which boost our immunity in these times. The following measures are based on the Ministry of Ayush that you can follow to make your immune system stronger during this pandemic situation. ** Remember these are not any cure or treatment for covid or any kind of disease, these are daily guidelines suggested by the Ministry of Ayush to look after yourself. As each individual person’s health condition can vary for different reasons, we suggest you consult with a doctor before following these tips.**



1. Drink enough warm water throughout the day.

Daily 1x

2. Practice simple guided meditation to calm your mind and body.

Daily 1x

3. Put natural immunity-building ingredients like turmeric, cumin, coriander, and garlic in your food.


4. Drink herbal tea or decoction which is made by boiling water with basil, cinnamon, black pepper, dry ginger, raisin, jaggery, or lemon juice.

Daily 1x

5. Take one spoon full of sesame oil or coconut oil, put it in your mouth and hold it for 2-3 mins then spit it out and wash your mouth with water.

Daily 3x

6. Take steam inhalation with mint or caraway seeds when you have a sore throat or dry cough.


7. Mix clove powder with sugar or honey and take it for cough or throat irritation 3 times a day till you recover.


India Today


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