8 Habits You Should Practice at Least Once a Week

by Thomas Frank
Daily Life
Published: 3 years ago
|Updated: 3 years ago

There are certain things that are not feasible to do on a regular basis. But for a better lifestyle, we should do certain things even with intervals. Thomas Frank has mentioned 8 amazing things that everyone should practice at least once a week. Let us dig into the practicable habits for maintaining a proper weekly routine!



1. Improve your social life by texting or calling a person you haven’t talked with in a while.

Weekly 1x

2. Do an all-out workout to improve your physical and mental health.

Weekly 1x

3. Clean up your productivity system and remove if there is any ‘entropy’.

Weekly 1x

4. Do a quick financial health check-up.

Weekly 1x

5. Plan and lead a high-density fun activity.

Weekly 1x

6. Create something purely for yourself, not out of obligation.

Weekly 1x

7. Do something completely on your own.

Weekly 1x

8. Improve an existing process in your life, even if by a small amount.

Weekly 1x

Thomas Frank


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