How to Control Your Temper: Start From This Ramadan

by Mufti Ismail Menk
Published: 2 years ago
|Updated: 2 years ago

An effort is required to control anyone's temper and anger. It's not about Ramadan only, a person should always control his or her anger. This control over anger never comes without any practice. As Ramadan is a good time to start good habits and implement a new lifestyle, controlling temper can become one of them. Here in this tip, we will discuss how to control your temper throughout your life. You can take this Ramadan as the beginning of this epic journey to be a controlled person. The tips down below were discussed by Mufti Menk.



1. Seek protection in Allah from Shaytan when you feel angry.


2. Sit down if you are in a standing position and lie down if you are in a sitting position if you get angry some how.


3. Always remain conscious of your temper. Swallow it, take it in and try to smile or say some good words even if you are angry.


4. Practice changing your tune and tone in a positive way quickly every time you get angry.


5. Don’t get involved in that speech which can make you angry.


6. Do not show road rage from your side if someone misbehaves with you on the road. Smile at them or ignore them if possible.


7. Keep on asking Allah to help you to extinguish your anger.

Daily 1x

8. Remain calm, especially with your children, family members, and who work for you.

Daily 1x

9. Seek forgiveness from the person you have wronged because of anger.


Mufti Ismail Menk


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