How to Wake Yourself Up at 5 am 8 funny Tips

by Virtunus Productivity
Daily Life
Published: 2 years ago
|Updated: 2 years ago

Waking up early is a productive method for self-development. If you can grow the habit, you’ll get enough time to do your everyday activities. Besides, it’s the best way to keep you healthy. So, today we are going to discuss How to Wake Yourself Up at 5 am 8 funny Tips.



1. Go to bed early to get up early but make sure you get 6-8 hours of sleep every night.

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2. Try to go to bed at the same time every night.

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3. Developed a calloused mind. Create a routine and push yourself to keep it every single day.


4. Use tools to your advantage. For example, download apps that require scanning a code to shut off your alarm.

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5. Leave your bedroom curtains open so the sun shines in directly in the morning.

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6. Set up your morning plans in a way that it forces you to get up early and start your day before sunrise.

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7. Learn your sleep chronotype.


Virtunus Productivity


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