How To Practice Effectively

by TED ed
Published: 4 years ago
|Updated: 4 years ago

Mastering any sort of physical activity like dancing, playing instruments, or playing volleyball needs practice. It’s a repetition of an action with the goal of improvement. Practice helps us to facilitate tasks and bolster our confidence. Here are some tips on practicing effectively:



Form a sort of superhighway for information connecting your brain to your muscles.

Daily 1x

Quantify the number of hours, days and even years of practice.

Daily 1x

Target content or weaknesses.

Daily 1x

Focus on the task at hand.

Daily 1x

Put your cell phone on airplane mode.

Daily 1x

Increase the speed of the quality repetitions gradually.

Daily 1x

Spend 10 to 12 hours (50-60 hours per week) on activities related to the craft.

Daily 1x

Divide time used for effective practice.

Daily 1x

Practice in your brain in vivid detail.

Daily 1x

TED ed


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