How to Spend a Day Like Warren Buffett

by Luxury Zone
Daily Life
Published: 3 years ago
|Updated: 3 years ago

Warren Buffett is a man who needs no introduction. He is a successful man on all fronts. He has a very unique daily routine. It is tough to be like Warren Buffett. You can follow his daily routine in your to-do list fully or partially!



Wake up everyday at 6.45 am.

Daily 1x

Spend 80 percent of your time reading books.

Daily 1x

Pay any type of expenses in cash to track it.

Daily 1x

Take five cans of the beverage every single day.

Daily 5x

Arrive at the office at 9.30 a.m.

Daily 1x

Read five newspapers every morning.

Daily 5x

Avoid impulsive decisions in business.

Daily 1x

Pull the strings of your musical instrument.

Daily 1x

Go to bed at 10.45 pm.

Daily 1x

Luxury Zone


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